torstai 17. marraskuuta 2016

Poikien Talo´s cooking blog part 2

Led by Janne a regular contributor to our cooking activities we made this delicious and creamy chicken pasta dish. And as a side we prepared a nice fresh green salad.

What was great about this night´s cooking is that each youth took on a different role and participated in the preparation. Onions where chopped, tomatoes diced while lettuce was cleaned and cut into smaller pieces. And despite the fact that everyone was really hungry we all stopped for a few minutes to discuss our dreams. The process of cooking this food allowed for in depth conversations to start. A big thanks to the Poikien Talo cooking team for making this yö-talo a real success.

Ingredients: (4 portions)
-300g chicken fillets
-1 big onion
-300g chicken fillets
-1 big onion
-2-3 garlic cloves
-2dl of cream
-salt and pepper
-spinach 150g
-herbs to taste (oregano and parsley)
-One head of green lettuce
-2 tomatoes
-half a cucumber

Boil large pot of water.
Peel onion and garlic and then chop into small pieces
Heat small amount of oil in pan.
At this point add pasta to boiling water.
When hot add chicken fillets. Fry into all the way through. Roughly 5minutes or until the chicken is golden brown and cooked all the way through.
Add onions, garlic and spinach and cook for a few minutes until the onions change colour.
Add pinch of salt, pepper and herbs.
Finally add the cream and cover pan and then cook on medium heat for 10-15mins.’
While cooking
Wash lettuce, tomatoes and cucumber.
Cut into small pieces adding a salad dressing of your choice.

Recipe Courtesy of Janne.

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